FUCK ON THE BEACH | TERLARANG Split LP release date 24 December 2017
limited edition of 297 powerviolence orange and 390 doom black copies
heavy 380g cover and 12inch insert
Fuck On The Beach
If you don't know what to expect here I can't really help, this is brutal, lightspeed clattering blasts, razorwire treble drenched guitar and whirling layered screaming at it's finest. Plenty of ear splitting distortion, feedback, mics peaking and everything way too loud in the best way. This is fun loving fastcore powervioelce from Japan which I'm pretty sure even has a 'clap-track' on the self titled outro track. Fucking excelent. This side of the split is primarily hyper fast d-beats with the odd blast thrown in, so is sonically the inverse of the Terlarang side. For fants of Japanese style everything faster and louder style grindviolence.
TerlarangLo-fi to the point of incomprehensibility this side of the split goes even further down the slopes of treble-valley than Fuck On The Beach, sounding like the guitars are physically tearing the speaker cones from the amp and the rest of the band are trying frantically to hold them back in. Everything here is fast, no slow at all on this side. Maybe one or two slightly slower than lightspeed d-beat smashers floating about in there but this is really all about the pace. The fast as fuck and don't care nature is epitomised by the cats on the split cover and the last track basically sounding like black metal but being called 'Stop The Hate' in what seems to be a conscious rejection of the bullshit ideals of traditional NSBM. Nice.
This split is relentless and will hurt your ears in a charming way, fun frantic ear-splitters from start to finish.
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