EWIG.ENDLICH. 'Auf Grund' Gatefold 2LP Release Date 13 April 2018
heavy 380g Gatefold cover, printed on the reverse side of the board,
limited edition of ca. 200 crystal clear and 300 doom black copies,
comes with a bandcamp download code of the entire album.
Dortmund 5 piece post-metal crew Ewig.Endlich. present 'Auf Grund' a consummate display of dynamic, sorrowful riffing and heartfelt, reverberating hardcore-howls. The band draw influence from a variety of sources on this release, from sad but hopeful guitar leads remeniscent of some softer post-rock like Explosions In The Sky, to thunderous mid-paced blast beats and trem picking in the style of black metal influenced hardcore, to chugging, crushing sludge breakdowns.
Ewig.Endlich. blend all of these disparate elements into an effective and varied LP comparable to post-metal contemporaries such as Cult Of Luna, Minsk or in places even Agalloch. The style is very song focused, there is not a lot of wandering or meandering through extended noise passages or overlong ambient breaks here, everything is concentrated on delivering the tune. The recording and production here is clean and clear, with a strong studio vibe, the whole package is extremely professional, this feels like a band who are well into their stride and comfortable in their own skin. Expect great things from these guys.